
🍣 Sushi Meowchi Plush Series 2 🍣

Created by Tasty Peach Studios

Introducing 4 NEW Sushi Meowchi Plush to collect + All new enamel pins & more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Going Out Starting Wednesday, March 6th.
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 03:07:18 PM

Hello all,

We apologize for the additional delay, we had some staffing move around and are now back to normal operations. Surveys are going out starting Wednesday, March 6th.

Product is still due around June, as anticipated, there will be ample time to finalize all shipping and updated payment method information for the add-on store. There is also no need for concern over inventory as we have many times the amount necessary to fulfill all orders.

Please watch your inbox starting Wednesday, March 6th.

If there are any additional questions you need answered, please submit a DM from your order.

Thank you,

Tasty Peach

General Update
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 03:09:19 PM

Hello Backers,

We apologize sincerely for the delay in communication, unfortunately our family was struck by multiple family tragedies which resulted in a mental health crisis. 

To alleviate any current concerns while we type up our next detailed update:

1) The project is ahead of schedule, June 2024 is a very safe estimate.
2) There is more than inventory necessary to meet needs, nothing will be missing
3) The add-on store for additional items will be in the surveys
4) Make certain your account has updated email and address
5) Surveys will be out within the next 7 days

9 months ago – Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 12:17:55 PM

Hello peaches! 

Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season so far~ I just wanted to drop some quick info about the current project progression! 

✧ Currently the Sushi Meowchi series 2 plush are in production, and have been for a few weeks.

✧ BackerKit email surveys have -not- gone out just yet! Sadly there has been 6 weeks of family emergencies, loss and then holidays hit. These will be going out soon for all backers and I personally apologize for the delays.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! Can't wait to share progress updates, sample pics & more with you as things progress and count down to fulfilment time!

xoxo - Riss

UPDATED - Add-On Menu Final Selections
10 months ago – Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 12:56:32 PM

✦ Please click on the 'Manage Your Pledge' button (or the “Back This Project” button if you are not yet a backer). This will take you to your pledge options!

Calculate the cost of every item you would like and input the total amount in the “Pledge Amount” section! Refer to the menu list above for item costs.

For example: If you want to pledge for 2 sushi meowchi & add 4 pins you would select the 'Sushi Meowchi Plush x2' tier ($40) and add-on 4 Enamel Pins ($40) for a total tier pledge of $80

After the Kickstarter ends & your payment has processed you will be able to pick what specific designs you want through your BackerKit survey! This will be sent to the email address you have attached to Kickstarter! At that time you are also welcome to add on anything else you wish through the pre-order system! You can do this even if you did not over pledge during the campaign!

PLEASE DO NOT add -ANY- shipping costs to your pledge total! Shipping will be charged separately based on weight at the end of the campaign.

'Don't Eat Me!' Hoodie Unlocked!
10 months ago – Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 12:43:44 PM

We're all so excited for this hoodie unlock! Be sure to snag it now if you have not, as the KS ends soon! Remember that you do not pick your size until the survey goes out. You also do not pay shipping till all items prep to ship in 2024!

Thank you again for so much love on this product line expansion!